Saturday, May 4, 2019

Avengers: Endgame

       Never in my lifetime has there ever been more hype, more anticipation, more cultural focus on a movie than the final chapter in the Avengers story arc; ‘Avengers: Endgame’.  And yes, ‘Star Wars’ fans, I am including those films too as I think this weekend’s record shattering 1.23 billion dollar box office take will support my claim. I look back over the last 11 years to the beginning with 2008’s ‘Ironman’, which returned Robert Downey Jr to Hollywood’s A-list and sparked a series of complex, expanding, entertaining, and  intermingling movies that have finally come to a culmination of a 22 film journey.  Can any movie possibly live up to this hype… the answer is ‘Yes’!  I won’t say this was my all-time favorite movie, but I will say that ‘Avengers: Endgame’ is the perfect ending to the most successful movie franchise of all time. 

Very few cliffhangers have shocked the viewing public like last year’s “Thanos snap” at the end of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’.  We have been so programmed to expect (even know) that the heroes will win by the end of the movie. Not only was the audience caught unaware, but the sheer impossible magnitude of the “Decimation" rocked viewers to the core.  It has been the water cooler topic for the past year as our emotional jarring has built the anticipation for ‘Avengers: Endgame’ to such a frenzied pitch that it will be the first movie to break the 1 billion dollar mark opening weekend.  I purposely waited a few days to write this as it would be impossible to critique ‘Avengers: Endgame’ without a few spoilers and the viewers who have been patiently waiting for over a year deserve not to have the film spoiled for them.  That being said, be warned that there will be minor spoilers ahead.

It has been said many times before, but the sheer skill of the Directors Russo can’t be over stated.  How does one take 22 movies with open plot lines and wind them all up in one satisfying 3 hour finale extravaganza that feels organic and not rushed.  The Russos accomplish this.  And further, this isn’t just a rehash or a part 2 of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’, this is a film with a completely different flavor and objective.  After the action of the pre-opening scene, I would say this is more of a character exploration.  This is a film of how our original team of heroes are dealing with the aftermath of the "Decimation" 5 years later.  I won’t go so far as to say it was slow in the 2nd act as I enjoyed seeing their everyday recovering lives, but it is far from the non-stop rollercoaster of the previous film.  Tragedy and comedy seamlessly integrate as only Marvel can do.  Our hearts break as we laugh with them.

Out of all the secrecy that shrouded this, I think the one that all fans figured out is that time travel would be involved. The traveling to the past to fix the future has been the theme of many films over the years (as the team hilariously referenced many times), but in this case it was all the more gratifying because it gives the viewer a chance to go back and re-visit previous films from a different angle.  For those cinephiles who notice such things, even the music scores from each of the visited films lined up heightening the nostalgia.  The audience points and whispers at the appearance of characters we thought were long gone.  The sheer feat of rounding up all these actors is an event in itself.  The explanation of time traveling is brain turning and at times full of holes, but enough of our suspension of disbelief is held in tact to thoroughly enjoy the ride.

Of course, what would a super hero movie be without an epic battle at the end.  This part I will keep quiet as I want to give out absolutely no spoilers other than to to say it is the epic battle to end all epic battles.  I knew it would be big, but this surpassed even what I expected.  A climatic fight scene where we thrill, laugh, cry, hold our breaths, stare in awe, and jump from our seats.  However, despite this spectacle, it is the last 8 minutes of the film that has everyone talking and I am included in that group.  As I stated at the beginning, it is the perfect ending to the most successful movie franchise of all time.  A franchise that started with ‘Ironman’ back in 2008.  Marvel had no idea of what they were destined to produce.  It’s been revealed that Director Jon Favreau’s tacking on the introduction of Nick Fury in a post-credit scene sparked the idea.  11 years and 22 films later, Marvel has changed the face of cinema.

Usually in this portion of the review, I give my opinion whether or not one should see the movie, but I think that is obvious.  If one has been along with the Marvel ride over the years, then it isn’t even a choice.  You must go see it.  Just be satisfied with the confidence that you won’t be disappointed.  I give this film my highest rating, not so much for its’ technical achievements as a stand alone movie rather in gratitude to the gift Marvel has given its’ dedicated fans over all these years.

I give this film ***** stars out of five.