Saturday, April 14, 2012

American Reunion

      More than a decade has pasted since the original American Pie movie and they are already having a reunion movie.  I’m not complaining as I loved this series.  It’s just that it didn’t seem that long ago that the original one came out.  This film has reunited the entire cast of the original one and delivers exactly what the first one did: low-brow, gross out, adolescent humor.  I have to say I enjoyed it thoroughly.

The original film was always bigger than the genre it came from.  American Pie was a late comer to the tired teenage sex comedies of the 80’s that dealt almost exclusively with nerdy virginal teenagers trying to lose said virginity.  It was such a tired formula by the late 90’s that I’m surprised any studio green lighted the picture.  Everyone is glad they did, because the American Pie series turned into an iconic and very funny film franchise.  I won’t call the humor sharp witted as it is base and in your face.  That’s some of what makes it works as it is unapologetic for how obvious and low brow (yes, I’ve used the word ‘low brow’ twice) it is.  The scenes were outrageous and every time your thought to yourself ‘they can’t be going there, they went there.

In addition to the crass humor, it did have a touch of nostalgic sweetness for everyone who grew up in suburban America.  It recalled the bonds of friendships that many are never able to capture again in our adult lives.  It was an homage to first relationships and also first failures of relationships.  No matter what everyone went through, your group of friends were there for you.

This time around we follow up on the entire gang.  Some have made it big and are seemingly leading the dream life  (Chris Klein back this time around playing Oz), while others have settled down into normal mundane existence (The one time sex fiend Michelle [Allison Hannigan] has calmed into the realities of motherhood, while Jim is still secretly looking at adult magazines like he did as a teenager).  The movie keeps its same level of humor, but also touches on a melancholic nostalgia they all have for a time they  consider the best in their lives.  Never sad, but still reflective on how life doesn’t turn out the way we planned.  All the more reason to stay close to people we love in our lives.

Of course the highlight of the film is always Stifler (Sean William Scott) who, 13 yrs after graduation, is still living with his mother and working as a temp.  He refuses to be upstaged by the new crop of ‘Stiflers’ who are currently partying around town.  Stifler was always the friend you were ashamed of and gave you a headache, but looking back you are a glad he was there (for the stories, if for nothing else).   Time hasn’t smoothed Stifler’s rough edges, but it is funny to see how offended he gets by the actions of others that are probably much tamer than the stuff he did.

The story becomes a bit cluttered as they try to stick in cameos and mini story arcs from characters from all the other films.  Tara Reid  (the original Lindsey Lohan) piously lectures on morality better than anyone.  It’s interesting how actresses like Tara Reid and Lindsey Lohan, who have incredibly screwed up lives, always lecture on virtue in every film they are in.  Not sure I want to follow their advice if that is the result.  The other cameos cause us to smile with each recognition.  There is one uncredited cameo from someone who was not in the American Pie series, but was a sex symbol from the 80's.  It took me a long time to figure out who she was.  I won't do a spoiler and tell you who she is, but she  still looks  fabulous and played Finch's mom with the same humor and sexiness that Jennifer Coolidge brought as Stifler's mom.  

Overall, this is a fun revisiting of the original film formula.  The humor is equally outrageous, but not recycled enough to make it redundant.  It’s a fun movie bringing the American Pie story arc to full circle.
I rate this film  *** stars.

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