Friday, December 25, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

       ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ (heard of it?)is probably one of the most anticipated sequels in recent memory and it is finally here.  With all the hype surrounding it, was it possible to live up to the hype and expectations?  Well, it did a pretty good job.  ‘Star Wars’ is probably one of the most beloved franchises of all time and among the first movies that ushered in the era of the modern blockbuster.  Critics have always been mixed on the quality of the films that have spanned 40 years, but the fans have never wavered over generations.  What added to the anticipation is that this is the first in a series of films in which George Lucas is not involved.  Director and Star Wars geek J.J. Abrams was tapped to continue the vision and I have to say that he captured all the magic of ‘Star Wars’ and continued the journey even if he did fall back upon themes and stories we have seen before. 

The story takes place three decades after the original trilogy.  The Galactic Empire has fallen, but the Dark Side has arisen in the form of The First Order.  Once again, there is a Death Star style weapon that must be stopped by the Resistance.  A story we have seen more than once in the trilogy, but Abrams is still able to keep the excitement and wonder that made the original so memorable.  This time around we are introduced to two new protagonists with Rey (Daisy Ridley) a scavenger on the planet of Jakku and Finn (John Bodega) a Storm Trooper who has defected from the First Order over a guilty conscience.  However, The true stand out for me is the antagonist; Kylo Ren (played by an actor with whom I was never impressed with before; Adam Driver).  Kylo is our look into the Dark Side, yet not as developed or with the confidence and reserve that Darth Vader possessed, which makes him all the more interesting. Kylo is given to fits of rage when things go wrong and is full of self doubt, which gives him an air of unpredictability that keeps one guessing on which way the story will unfold.

Of course, half the fun is seeing all the original actors portray their former roles.  Harrison Ford is still the wise cracking Hans Solo if not a bit more wizened.  Carrie Fisher is now General Lea (isn’t that a demotion from ‘Princess’?) As she leads what is left of the Rebellion.  Of course, the big mystery is Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker.  He has been absent in all the promotional material and pre release pictures of him have been as rare and fuzzy as Bigfoot sightings.  The reason is clear as the film wishes to unveil him and I will leave it at that.  Smiles are had all around as we are reintroduced to C3-PO and R2-D2 and even brief voice cameos from Yoda and Obi-wan.  Just enough to thrill the seasoned fans, yet not alienate a younger and newer audience.

The film does rehash and remix well known story lines from previous films, but the magic is still there.  At its’ heart, ‘Star Wars’ was never a deep and thought provoking piece of Science Fiction, rather is was a swashbuckling and epic piece of Space Opera, with all the disfunction and Freudian themes that go along with it.  It was an epic reproduction and grand enlargement of the serials that George Lucas fell in love with as a boy and, as I’ve said repeatedly, it captures the magic we felt in childhood over stories that seem silly and mundane in our adulthood.   I’ve never thought George Lucas was a good writer (I’m not alone), but he was an epic storyteller.  There is a difference.  A writer is about strong and engaging dialogue, where a storyteller creates a world into which we are swept.  Lucas had grand visions and an unparalleled ability to capture wonder and fun.  Where I think ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ steps up is that the dialogue is tighter and the engagement much more sincere.  It will never achieve the level of the first ‘Star Wars’, but that is only because it follows it.  I think if this new trilogy can find a way to say something new, instead of rehash old themes, then it could truly stand greatly on its’ own.

So the original question was “Did ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, live up to expectations”?  The answer turns out to be ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.  J.J. Abrams was the perfect choice to helm this and did a masterful job at replicating and continuing and impossible task.  A new audience will discover a franchise that has been a worldwide phenomena for most of my life.  However; while some new characters were introduced, not much new in way of ideas or innovation in story was presented.  I have to say that it’s a fantastic time at the movies and well worth the wait.  I would never take that from then new trilogy.  I anxiously await the next one, so that says pretty much everything that needs to be said about if it was good.

I give this film *** 1/2 stars

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