Sunday, February 13, 2011

2011 Oscar Predictions and Results

The results are in and it wasn't my best year:  I was 4 for 6

Okay everyone,

It's Feb 13th and I am making my offical prediction for the 2011 Oscars.

In 2009 I was 4 for 5 (I still think Mickey Rourke was robbed)
In 2010 I was 5 for 5

I predict Best Picture, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, and Supporting Actress.  I always cop out and don't try to predict the Director.  Too hard for me. I've decided to step up like a big boy and add that to my list of predictions this year.  I am entitled to make modifictations up until the night before the Oscars, but I will notate any changes in a colored font.  I'm changing some on Friday 25 Feb at 8am.  Changes in Green

My Predictions:

Best Picture:     (Picked it) The King's Speech;  I thought it was going to be The Social Network, but the heat seems to be with this movie.

Best Actor:       (Picked it )Colin Firth for The King's Speech... it's about time Colin.  We can finally forget about Bridget Jone's Diary.

Best Actress:    (Picked it) Natalie Portman for Black Swan.  I would have liked to say Annette Benning, but I think it will be Natalie

Best Supporting Actor:  (Picked it) Christian Bale for the Fighter.  It could just as easily be Geoffery Rush for the King's Speech, but "Please, please, please let it be Christian Bale".  I know he is a hot headed overbearing actor, but he was so good in that movie.

Best Supporting Actress:  (Missed it, but Melissa Leo did a great job. I'm holding no grudges)  Hailee Stienfeld for True Grit is now my pick, don't ask me why, but that's my gut feeling.  Helena Bohnam Carter  for the King's Speech.  Please don't let it be Hailee Steinfeld.  I hate when kids get Oscars.

Best Director:  (Missed it, should have stuck with my first choice) David Arfonsky for Black Swan; if it were anyone other than the Acadenmy chosing I would pick Tom Hooper, but something tells me Black Swan.   Tom Hooper  for The King's Speech

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